Thursday, August 18, 2011

Where can I find information on Fort Mercer?

I'm doing research on the American Revolution and I can't find anything about this battle. I know nothing, so if you know the year the battle was or anything, I can use it. Thanks in advance!

Poor supervision lays down their wrath upon their subordinates, what can be done?

I'm in the military. It was Friday, and a "higher-up" in my shop told me I should do the Friday cleanup (that of which they only force upon anyone under the rank of an NCO). I had an appointment soon. I told the person I only had enough time to grab a quick meal (paid with meal card) and get to my separation appointment. When I returned, my supervisor release everyone but me. I had to finish the Friday cleanup stuff. however it was all done, and all i did was stay late sitting in my office chair doing nothing. What can I do about this? This is the first time the shop has pulled something mischievous like this on its subordinates and it doesn't stop. Anyone under the rank of NCO, or just turned NCO hates being there and is treated as dirt. What do we do? Where is the help?

What's your favorite Dr. Seuss book?

Oh, the places you'll go! when i left elementary school my teacher read it to our cl, it gives out a beautiful message for graduaters and just kids growing up. i luv it

Vmk Codes!!?

anyone who give most useable special item codes will get best awnser!! Plz help!! Make sure that they work!!

I have bent pins on my motherboard. Are these the cause of my pc crashes?

Boot to BIOS then go to PC Health Status Page. Let it stay there for about an hour. If there is nothing abnormal on voltage and temp readings and PC does not restart, hardware is generally stable. Your problem could be software related. Try running 2 hr OCCT stress test. You might get some clues from the stress test.

Is it a conformation fault? Or something else?

It looks like swelling. I know you said she isn't sore, but if it doesn't go away, it might pay to have the vet take a look.

Marketing 32 years chicago tv guides?

You don't have the most desirable years which are the early days of television. But having the entire 32 years is a big attraction. Contact the local television stations and ask if you can appear on their morning show at 6am with a box of your old TV Guides. It would make a fun 10 minute segment of the show as people discuss old tv shows. You could announce that you are willing to sell the whole bunch to the highest bidder.

When guys say everything is "ok" are they really ok?

I feel like me and my boyfriend have hit a lull in our relationship. We've had some fights lately but he hasn't stopped wanting to see me or call me. He still tells me he loves me, uses pet names like princess and cutie, and holds me when lounging around. I ask if everything is ok and he says yes and I know I have been getting on his nerves asking that but I just feel as though something isn't right. Do guys put that much effort into a relationship if things really aren't ok?

Anyone know what companies are the largest coconut producers?

Seems like a growing utilization of this, and curious what companies are the largest for harvesting, processing, distributing, etc.

What are the best cream foundations?

im 18 and have a combination skin type and use medium to full coverage. I ususally use liquid fondation but lately it makes me look splotchy and cakey. i heard that cream foundations work well and have the right coverage i need. Can you give me some good brands of cream foundations that i could buy at a drugstore? i dont want to order anything online if possible.

Crazy STD situation...scared to death!!!?

Ok. So your afraid of getting an STD becuase your condom broke right. Well all I can say is get yourself tested for everything. You can never be to safe.

Advice about gardening in cooler climates?

I live in Tahoe, and the summer days are very warm but it's not unusual for nighttime temperatures to drop into the 30s. Currently in my greenhouse I have romaine and erhead lettuce, spinach, heirloom tomatoes, squash, bell peppers, jalapenos and green chiles, broccoli and cuber. It's getting a little crowded. Which, if any, of these veggies would be fine outside of the greenhouse and be able to survive the chilly nighttime?


now im a HUGE fan of jak and daxtar but cann someone name all the games that came out and whut systems they are for please...and wen are they making a jak game for the playstation3?? i herd rumors of jak and ratchiet but im not shure if there true

Need help adding ideas to the rest of my story?

I enjoy reading vampire books, so an Ivy League of Vampires sounds cool:) And for the "happenings at home," maybe she got bit by a vampire. She could've killed someone (because she secretly discovered she is a vampire), or maybe she was a loner/misfit and was made fun of by kids. Hope this helped :)

How loud will the cry be?

leading the polls in October does not ensure a victory in November! Just how loud will the cry be when BHO awakes on the 5th and finds himself out in the cold! After all the cheating by ACORN and he still loses! Will it be racism? NEOCON election stealing? Or will it be the fact that America just doesn't trust a man with his shady background? Place your bets now many US Cities will burn on the 5th?

Fined �400 and can't afford to pay, can I appeal?

I was involved in an accident in which I didn't see a give way sign because it was poorly lit and, although I braked, I was too late and the car was too heavy (I was driving a company car full of stuff) so I went over the lines and another car crashed into the side of me. When I went to give a witness report I was asked whether I thought the accident was 'my fault' and, because I was told the other driver was claiming compensation, I umed that my answer would help her insurance claim so I said 'if there's a fault then it's not hers, so I suppose it's mine but it was an accident' and had "erm, mine I guess" written on my statement. Anyway, I got taken into court, I pleaded not guilty to which they said "are you sure? If you plead guilty now you get a 1/3 off your fine" (what is this; January sales for criminals?) anyway, I went to trial today and, on the advice of my junior barrister, I pleaded guilty and got 8 points and a �400 fine. The problem is, I'm �9,000 in debt because of my uni fees and I'm an actress so I can't afford to pay the fine.... my mum mention that there was some lord denning thing about "people shouldn't be fined if they can't afford it" but I don't know how to go about appealing my case or if anything can be done....?

What do you think about Ralph Nader Urging Courts to Challenge Constitutionality of Corporate Personhood?

It sounds like a very good idea, only actual people should be considered to be persons under the law.

Hi its about my nintendo?

well i have 3 pinscher, I LOVE THEM! but i would also go with the chihuahua pug and yorkie, and...jack russell i really like small dogs :)

Can someone help me with my stupid summer homework?

I am going into the 7th grade and I have to find paradigms and principles in a book called Loser: By Jerry Spinelli. I have read the book twice and i have only found two, I need four more. I also need the page number that it's found on.

UT Dallas(public) or Baylor(private)?

Hi, trying to decide between UT Dallas and Baylor for business/engineering degrees(or Texas A&M which I'm praying to get into). They both seem about the same academically... I like the Baylor environment more.. But UT Dallas is public which means it will cost my parents a lot less. Could anyone please tell me some more specific reasons I should consider? Thanks so much !! = )

Does 420 come from the nursery rhyme, "4 & 20 Blackbirds"?

The term was allegedly coined by a group of teenagers in San Rafael, California in 1971. Calling themselves the Waldos, because "their chosen hang-out spot was a wall outside the school,"the group first used the term in connection to a fall 1971 plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop that they had learned about. The Waldos designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place, and 4:20 p.m. as their meeting time. The Waldos referred to this plan with the phrase "4:20 Louis". Multiple failed attempts to find the crop eventually shortened their phrase to simply "4:20", which ultimately evolved into a codeword the teens used to mean pot-smoking in general.


Wow people have such closed mind...I've read about Credo Mutuwa and David Icke(never anything bout vampires) but yeah i believe something like that is completely plausible and even science can be wrong or suggestive. Go to a href="" rel="nofollow" it explains things better for those who don't open your mind and maybe you should because whoever or whatever is really in charge of the planet are making you all believe exactly what they want you to.

Is it true that when people mediate, bad things can happen? do u think satan can take over and put things?

Of course not! Meditation can be very beneficial for both your physical and emotional well being. Just think of a bright light surrounding you as you meditate, and it will help you stay positive and calm about life.

Why is school such a waste of time?

It could be that many schools are spending most of their resources teaching students subjects dominated by such lessons as "manipulating an object (often a ball) while abiding by arbitrary rules to achieve victory according to said arbitrary rules," aka sports. Seriously. I'm not against sports for fitness or anything like that, but schools are centered around sports. They should come up with a new term summarizing "an academy in which students obtain skills that will allow them to mutually help society in an intellectual way," and the term "school" should mean what it happens to be now: "an academy in which students obtain the ability to satisfy arbitrary rules in an attempt to do absolutely nothing to help society."

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is there a Fair Way to Deal with Pre-Existing Conditions?

your absolutely right now lets say you have that heart attack today,and you are now financially broke and an invalid.Who is going to foot the bill ? We know you will hv to sign up for social security.We will foot the bill.and you will loose every thing you ever owned in your life including your dignity and your pride. 14,000 people a day are loosing their they hv a choice.are they proud of it,do they care about their children.Some thing has to be done now.

Naruto Anime Help 10 pts?

Does any one know where i can download the original naruto series that was aired by viz media. im not talking about the japanese naruto that has been dubbed to english. b/c the theme song is still in japanese.

Brain damage caused by viral meningitis in 2002?

Hi, i'm in the uk - guess youre not, but i had meningitis in 2004 and i have since lost my memory and had psychotic symptoms. My mental health team dont believe there is a connection to the meningitis but i know there is. before it i was highly performing at university, working, in a relationship now im out of work and cant even remember peoples faces if i dont see them for a few days. im trying to do a college course but its like a language i dont speak i dont remember things from one day to the next. Have you had any help from meningitis charities - they can provide counselling and other support. Its hard i know but it sounds like you have a great love of music this is something at least. keep fighting and i hope you find the answers you need. xx

On returns, do stores have the right to keep some of the sales tax made on the purchase?

Item was bought at Kmart in Philadelphia at 8% tax rate. It needed to be returned the following day at a different Kmart location, which is in a 6% tax rate locality. The sales clerk agreed to refund the purchase price but would not refund all of the sales tax paid with the original purchase. Shouldn't the store have refunded all of the sales tax? If so, how do we go about getting the rest of the sales tax back?

Where can i find hi definition pics?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do these people stay alive?

haha i know huh? It seems like they can die any second. They do get some veggies in...lilke veggies on a burger! LOL

1985 ATC250R has no spark?

I have a 1985 Honda ATC250R 3-wheeler with no spark and I can not figure out what the problem is, what are all the possible options I have to fix it? It has been sitting for quite some time, And the Stator behind the flywheel has 2 wire coming out of it and those 2 wires get power when the motor is kicked over, and there is a little black box next to the flywheel that when the motor is kicked over does not get power. We tested the wires with a light tester. Please Help I just want to ride it.

How can i make my syrian hamster gain weight?

i have a gray syrian hamster named Roxi, she is about a year old, she is too large for her weel so she runs around in her exercise ball alot and in a large bath tub, i dont want to limit her time out of the cage so do you have any ideas on what i could feed her to get her to a more healthy weight? i can just about see her ribs and im worried she might be underweight. she is active and playfull but maybe i could try help her gain that little bit extra to make her more healthy? she eats a high quality hamster mixed food and i give her treats of cheerios and apple slices oacasionally, do u know of any treats i could give her to help her gain weight?

If god created all languages then where did english come from?

Abrahamic God didn't create all current languages, he created the languages that existed during biblical times (a very long time ago). English didn't exist yet. English evolved from other languages.

Does anyone know about the Kenya Tanzania Emby Bombing?

Me and my friends are doing a project on this subject. We have found everything we need except the terrorist motivation, if it was a state sponsored terrorism, and a narrative description of the attack. If you can answer any of the it would be greatly appreciated.

HELP! THIS IS NOT MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

ok, i have a spacer in my back bottom right tooth. one day i see a tooth holding one end in plave, a big strong tooth,,,, but today, i see an itty bitty point where the big strong tooth WAS. i would know if i lost a tooth. i can't pull it out cuz my gums grew over the back of it. why on earth did this happen and what do i need to do?

Looking for a book, help please...?

I'm looking for a books about teenage girls lives.. like finding cie crazy by jaclyn moriarty and feeling sorry for celia.. can someone help?

I have two parakeets and i need to know the genders?

ok i got two parakeets a couple weeks back and i want to know the of them one of them is yellow with a gray belly and with black markings on the head and its cere its kinda white and the ohter one is blue and white with black markings and it just grew some dark blue flecks on the side of its face and its cere is pinkish-purple with light blue on the edge. whats their gender because i want to breed them(i know who to take care of the babies you feed them every 5 minutes)oh and their still kinda young(thats what the lady at petsmart said anyway)

What Inch Bolt Cutter Do I Need To Cut Padlock's?

IT would be easier to unscrew the latch. You can also try hitting it from the top down with a hammer. But to cut the lock you could a 24" or bigger bolt cutter. Put the cutters around the lock and squeeze as hard as you can and then slightly twist the bolt cutters.

Errr Kissing?

i dont know myself.... im 14 and i got my first kiss 2 months ago, mine was really awkward.. i wanted one of those kisses that you'll always remember cause it was soo amazing, but mine wasnt.. ill remember it because it was embaring and just plain weird..haha =]

Smoked some laced weed?

ok so one of my friends smoked me a bowl of some new dank he got, but ever since i smoked that ive felt like everything i eat makes me sick its been 4 or 5 days now. ive smoked a million times before so its not like this was my first time blazin up. so im asking is it possible this weed was laced or just a just a coincidence? if so what was it laces with that would make me feel like this? almost to the point where i want to throw up? anyway im sure ill get over it soon i hope, and just wanted to know if it could have been laced

Is there a drug that helps alleviate the Topamax side effects?

Topamax is often prescribed with Cognex or any other med with cholinesterase inhibitors in it due to this very reason you are describing.

I need some ideas on an acceptance speech (for cl 10 points best answer I PROMISE)?

The final text of your speech will have to come from your heart. If any of us writes it, and you use it, it will likely come off as fake because we don't know you. I will offer FDR's advice on speechmaking, as it has helped me with many years of them. "Be sincere, be brief, be seated."

Where can i watch Degri TNG Season 10 Episode 20 online?

Tonights episode on muchmusic was cut because of a storm or something! Anyone have the episode online with no surveys or downloading besides on muchmusic . com because it don't work on my computer. Maybe on zshare if anyone has it?

Weird dream??????? (I have to make this 20 characters long)?

I had a dream I was standing on a balcony to a apartment I recognized it as my own and remember saying "where's my baby hope?" then the dream shifted to me being at a fun fair I was in this house with a bunch of these people and this guy climbed over something and fell into flesh eating acid. Then it kinda skipped over to me going to the food cart and getting two lollipops one swirled clic one and one with the cookie monster face, then I ran back to the black houses(kinda shadowy) but as I ran I felt like I was running in slow mo and I ran into the wrong black house and as I ran Into it I saw a black smudge and a stairway I was scared then I Ran out and then the houses bonded together and I was eating something. Then a third dream I was putting a fishing lure on and I heard my grandma yelling at me saying I messed it up so through it into the lake and then someone gave me some more lures. That's when I woke up

Did he blow me off? 10 pts?

He's a guy he doesn't always think about how you feel and doesn't realise when hes putting his foot in it. He didn't blow you off unless you were deffo going to meet. But if it really means that to you just casually bring it up in a convo with him.

What did Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) leave behind for the ummah?

The Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “I have left two things behind me for you (the Ummah). You will never go astray as long as you follow these two things. One of these two things is Allah’s Holy Book (the Qur’an al-Kareem) and the other is the Sunnah of his Most Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam).” (Muwatta Imam Malik)

I bought a car, owner signed the pink and a bill of sale, now is demanding more money for the car?

It's extortion you paid for the car and he signed the pink slip done deal! Go to a lawyer and send him a letter to quit if he continues his harressment the make a police report and drag him in on other charges

Teeth Whiteners?

Any over the counter stuff usually takes a few weeks to see a result. For faster results, just call around to your local dentists and get some prices. We sell Crest Whitestrips at our office, like the ones you buy at WalGreens, but they are MUCH stronger, so they work faster. They are also a little more expensive, but you pay for what you get.

American college duration................? ( BSc Physics )?

AP cles are not going to help him. Not all schools will take those for credit. If he has a degree already, he can try transferring some of the cles - depending on how many transfer, he could save himself a year or more of college. If he doesn't transfer any, it's going to take him about 4 years to complete a 4-year degree. Summer cles don't help much - you can't take too many at a time, they don't tend to offer advanced courses you need for the degree over the summer, and it keeps you from getting an internship in your field (which can be very important for physics majors, especially if he wants to go to grad school afterward).

Has anyone ever bought (flight) tickets from yahoo travel?

We bought tickets back in Oct when the rates were low for direct flights from Milwaukee to Phoenix. According to Yahoo, the airline has changed out flight to a layover in Atlanta before we get to PHX. According to MKE Airt Tran does direct flights to PHX but they switched it. Is there any leeway with this? This is the first time I've booked tickets.

What portion of the Quran was obligatory for the Muslim at the time Of UMAR r.a to know by heart ?

they are chapter 2 Al Baqarah , 4 an nisah , 5 Al Maidah , 22 Hajj and 24 An Nur ,because all these chapters contain Islamic laws ,and He did not6 want anyone to remain ignorant of the Laws

Is it possible to tap into your Adrenaline?

Like without being in a panicked state or heavy situation? For example, Would I be able to accesses my Adrenaline if I were to be doing nothing. If I wanted to run really fast, can I some how tap into this? Like using steroids just without the side effects? Adrenaline rush refers to an activity of the adrenal gland in a fight-or-flight response, when it is releasing adrenaline (epinephrine). A chronic hyper-adrenaline is a common symptom of an anxiety disorder, but in some cases it may be due to phaeochromocytoma, a tumour in the adrenal medulla. An adrenaline rush causes the muscles to perform fermentation at an increased rate improving strength. So with this known, can I activate this state without being in it?

Why are my legs (middle half towards my ankles) hurt and a little swollen?

These past couple days my legs, the middle half down to my ankles, hurt when I walk alot or stand to long. Today I notice they might be a little swollen. I know that pregnant women can get this and it's common. But when I googled, a couple sites mentioned preeclampsia, which after reading mde me worry. How do you know you have this or just regular swelling? It says "woman is diagnosed with preeclampsia if she has high blood pressure and protein in her urine after 20 weeks of pregnancy." I'm sure I don't have high blood pressure and protein in my urine because my doctor checks this and never says anything. But I am only 19 weeks. Should I be worrying?

Is there a website online where I can print off free choral arrangements to popular songs?

Specifically, Fields of Gold, by Sting, to be sung by a group of around twenty fifteen year old kids.

What does the Italian secretary say when Edward, Bella, and Alice see the Volturi in New Moon?

In the Twilight Saga: New Moon movie, the Italian girl who wants to become a vampire, Gianna, greets Edward, Alice, Bella, and the other vampires when they are entering the Volturi's place. She says something in Italian and I was wondering if anyone knew???

Should I be worried about my cat>?

He may have an allergy to his food he may have an infection. My neighbors cat was losing hair around the neck area. A vet prescribed antibiotics and his fur is growing back nicely.

Need help with my Asian parents...?

you have to accept that your parents have many emotional, cultural, political etc. hung- ups and it so happen that you are put in the middle of the row. so you need to move slowly respecting your parents sentiments but there will be time that you have to make the right move. but be ready for any consequences.

questions for first time?

what kind of condom should i get like lubricated, spermicidal??? like should i get ribbed, thin, roomier??? i know that shes a virgin so im not worried about std's as much just dont wanna get her pregnant...and tips on what to get or anything?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Romantic first kiss...? 10 POINTS ASAP!!!!!?

oooo ok lol. well how about this. since their both confident and stubborn and dont like bs, make them fight lol. it sounds bad, but itd b nice. like have them fight, (itll add spice to the novel) and like have him kiss her right while shes saying something. thats b nice and rele romantic

Biology question please help me.?

C. Double. Since the polar ends of the phospholipid is hydrophilic (water loving), and the non-polar end of the phosholipid is hydrophobic (water hating), the molecule orients itself into layers into a double layer called a bilayer such that the hydrophobic ends are on the inside of the layer, and the hydrophilic ends are on the outside of the bilayer.

Guitarists Fingers...Any sort of treatment for them?

I was wondering if there are any lotions or things round the house to make a makeshift treatment for the tips of my fingers?

Send me links that have a light that would fit the tank i am describing?

its a standard 2.5 gallon at 12 inches across. the fixture must support at least 8w, and 8,000k. the bulb has to support reef life, for it will be on a pico reef. all help is apprecitated, so please send me those links!

Thesis paper in college for foreign languages?

I'm considering taking some foreign language cles in college next year (I am a senor in high school atm). I am wondering if they make you write Thesis papers or something of that sort like in an English cl? like a thesis paper in Spanish if your in a high enough course (I currently took Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 in high school so I don't know what cl I would go into in college). I really want to learn more of other languages but don't want it to turn into another English cl (expect in another language) with a lot of thesis\research papers i just want to learn to speak it O.o

How to get into BIOS on Campaq?

Normally when you boot a computer up, within the first few seconds a message comes on the screen that says something like 'Hit F10 to enter BIOS'. Sometimes it's F12, sometimes it's DEL, depends on the system. See if you can see the message and follow the prompt, if not, try any of the above keys as soon as you boot up and see if it lets you in.

Which issue evokes more pion from you? aborting a fetus? or waterboarding Khalid Sheik Mohammed?

The FAKE OUTRAGE over water boarding is just more Bush Bashing. These Neo-Libs dont care about these terrorist s either even though they pretend they do. It sure makes them look silly.

Is this too much food for one day?

Nope, it's quite healthy, you've got your five-a-day and if you think about it, it's just your three meals a day and only one healthy snack

Today, I had a thought.....?

Have you ever realised that sometimes you threw away all the food you couldnt not finish in one day and thousands of other people in underdeveloped countries like Africa have nothing to eat ?

Period two times in a month.?

Hye, im 20. i've never had this happen before. i had my period before, its was on 2nd of April, and then on 16 and 17th of April i was having an unprotected . And today, 26th April i'm having my period for the second time in a month. What's wrong with me? Can i know why? i dont know what to do. i dont want to see a doctor.

What is the distance between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem?

The straight air distance is 55 km. So I think travel distance should be around 65 km as seen on

Are children born to unmarried people really s?

It is true but I personally dont think a innocent child should be labled something so horrible just because their parents had without being married

Christian Brothers and Sisters?

All of these answers are found in the bible. Obviously you are a Muslim, that is why you don't believe these things. Please pick up the bible and read it. It is best to go to the source.

I am having a cell phone problem?

Lady keeps sending me vmail protesting that I am haring her son. I live alone and only use my c phone to call out in emergency or when away from home. NO ONE would be using my phone. I have a TCM (totalcallmobile) LG 150. I have her number. How can I block it?

Guyyyyy troublesssssssss? PLEASE ANSWER?

so my ex bf was like my besstfriend ive known him since like 1st grade (im in 8th and hes a freshman) but my neighbor john is bestfriends with him so i still have to see my ex because we all used to be really good friends. Right after the breakup he sent the song "hurtful" by erik hle to my bestfriend Yllom.... what does this mean? and in front of me h purposly put on the song "were done" by wiz khalifa... listen to both songs and theier lyrics and tell me what he meant by those songsss :/ oh and he put the songs "please dont go" by mike posner and "spacebound" by eminem also listen to these and tell me your thoughts.

BelyButon Piercing. Imporant!!?

Belly on piercings are extremely painful. They also get infected easily. It isn't a good piercing for you.

Is R&P free from all the shame? (#61)?

i dont know that many mars volta songs,but i love the song roullete dares(the haunt of) like its one of my fave songs .

How can god be master of the universe and the devil be Lord of Darkness?

When we all know that those posts are held by He-man and Skeletor respectively??? I don't think it would stand up at an employment tribunal.

Does romantic love exist?

I used ot have this idealistic notion of love, even believing myself to be in love with people at points, but somewhere along the way I become disillusioned and depressed with the whole thing. It's not that I expect them to be perfect or love to be perfect, but the feelings I have for people go completely and I feel like life is dull and pedestrian again. Am I just really immature and this is in fact how life and so-called "love" really is?

Holding hand problem?

okay so i tend to have moist hands, and i think its gross. Almost all my friends have dry hands. Well when i get i boyfriend, and we hold hands, it will be akward. they are like clammy. and im not the only person in the world with this, so dont be mean. But is there anyway i can get rid of this, because you know, its embaring.

Who would you cast if the original trilogy of Star Wars was being redone?

Any Star Wars remake that doesn't feature Christopher Walken in a prominent role is a non-starter as far as I'm concerned. But I like your thinking on Leia.

How do I stop hating myself?

Accept what you feel. Understand that your feelings and your body are not you. Don't deny them though. accept them as they are. Let them be. I know you might think something is not fair or you should not be felling those feelings or should not look like you look, but you are here for a reason. You are given the best cirstances to learn for a given moment. Appreciate that. You was given life. Use it as good as you can. There is love around you. Every single thing is full of it. Everything is well.

Survey: Is there a more effective torture than...?

...forcing someone to listen to a 12-hour medley of Barry Manilow's Greatest Hits...? If there is, please... do tell...

Any Shania Twain Fans Out There?

i love Shania. i cant remember the name of the song but its the one that says "we made, and still going strong" my hubby and i love that song because EVERY ONE and i mean every one that knew us said there was not a change in hell we would make it. they gave us maybe 6 months. well its been 16 years and we are still going strong.

Yahoo does no recognize my zipcode in Puerto Rico (part ot of the United States). Why?

Puerto Rico IS part of the US. Some companies just see the US & its territories as separate entities. An example is American Airlines, we are both a domestic and international destination. It's part of the political limbo that comes with being a territory. Contact Yahoo and let em know.

Monday, August 15, 2011

What does one do when the maturity level is so low in your cl that many still think fart noises are funny?

I am more mature than my peers, and find it every immature and irritating when they create flatulence noises and crude comments. What does one do to avoid or end these behaviors?

White golf grips????

im looking for a company that makes white golf grips. i would even settle for half black and half white. but here is the kicker... i want the wrap style grip. you the winn 7s or winn 8s. any ideas whree i can get a golf grip of this nature? im sick of the plain black that. and it seems that that is the only color that grip companys seem to know about. please help.

Should I start worrying about college now?

Well I'm starting high school. (freshman) Annd I really want to get into a good school. Dartmouth or Harvard. Trust me I do not want to end up like the rest of my family although my dad is succesful. This is important to me. and can you give me a few guidelines on what to do to keep my grades up? thanks a ton!

Webmail vs email client question?

So i am trying to integrate the several email addresses i have into a client, when i came across several questions. Which is more secure webmail or pop3/imap? Another thing i would like to ask is do webmails use ssl and tls encryption when you use them? And how do i get thunderbird to use ssl for yahoo mail when using the webmail plugin?

Help: Need to vomit!?

Okay so I have my period and extremely bad cramps, I am on prescribed medication for it because it gets so bad. Well, every time this happens, I throw up. It's not coming up and I can feel it, I feel terrible. I have been waiting for hours for it to come and I even just created this email for some help. Someone help, how do I make myself vomit? Oh and btw, I don't really have a gag reflex, trust me I have tried. PS: If you are just going to tell me things like "don't force it, it'll eventually happen," or "don't make yourself gag" or comments about anorexia nervosa, please don't bother. I NEED YOUR HELP NOW!!!

80% of Swedes in Unions. Swed. has NO nat‘l resources. Swedes per capita OUT EXPORT America 5 to 1. Why?

Because Sweden is a very small NON diverse country. Those a re PER CAPITA figures... (they are also several YEARS old)

Pinhole camera?

Make a diagram; there are similar triangles on the object and image sides of the pinhole. (There's probably an identical sample problem if you actually look in your book.)

So what is better a flight suit or a feather teether?

Flightsuits have a diaper to catch the droppings, and conures don't have small poops. LOL I use flightsuits as I find them easier to put on the birds than a feather tether. With a flightsuit I just sit the bird on the opened flightsuit then bring the sides up and close it with the velcro, then I gently lift the wings out through the openings. Easy. I found the feather tether had too many strappy bits. Neither of these will work unless your bird is young and happy to have you handling him without biting. My atiels have been wearing flightsuits since they were 3-4 months old.

Who was the editor of Joseph Goebbels newspaper, Das Reich, in 1941?

The Das Reich was a newspaper founded by Joseph Goebbels during the Nazi Reigme. I am, for a school project a prosecution lawyer against Joesph Goebbels. Currently, I am trying to find someone who read his article "The Jews are Guilty" published November 16, 1941. So it technically doesn't have to be the editor, but the editor would be perfect! Please give names, thank you!

How do I come to terms with the intense feelings of hatred I have for my husbands daughter? ?

Nothing wrong with going to counseling, and talking out your feeling's... they will help you work through your feelings..........

Having inherited a wonderful, valuable gun collection is any one like me afraid of Hillary becoming president?

I mean, it's like she has had some coaching from Al Gore or something. Ask her about the gun issue and she dances right around the subject. She refuses to speak about it at all. I recall the suspense and dread when it was a still undecided issue. First Gore, then Bush, then Gore and a horrified thought, "Oh my God! There go my guns! $15,000 in modern and relic firearms all confied like in Australia and Great Britan!" Those poor people have had gun crimes multiply horribly because now only the criminals have the guns They can't even defend themselves with a sharp stick. See "Saving Private Ryan"? I have one of each gun. Nearing retirement I can look at my collection and think that in a financial emergency they are money in the bank. I can literally point to them one at a time and say, "Here's six month's rent.This one is three month's worth of groceries," and so on. Aside from the right to keep and bear arms, this is my property not something the government can simply confie.

What kind of doctor should I see about fluid on my bursa?

I went to my family practice physician who was certain that I had torn a ligament in my rotator cuff (not sure if I'm using the right terminology since this was 4 months ago now) and ordered an MRI. The MRI revealed a few things but my doctor determined the main problem to be the fluid on the bursa. He ordered physical therapy, but I already had it treated that way before and the pain just kept returning. Everyone that I've talked to with this problem said that it needs to be drained (which is obvious). Just curious as to what kind of specialist I should look to make an appointment with.

How do you get scrolling pictures across the bottom of your myspace page?

i know that it must have something to do with a marquee code but i just can't find it anywhere on the internet, but i know it's possible. i've seen it done.

In espionage and secret agents .?

In espionage and secret agents,some agents hid little cameras inside the heels of their shoes...but does anyone know how little these cameras were?

What's the difference between NTFS and FAT32?

This is simply idle curiosity. And I'm very much a layman, so answers in terms I can understand please! I wanted to be able to hook up a portable hard-drive to my PS3 but have found the PS3 won't recognise it. A little searching online tells me it's because it's in "NTFS" format and needs to be reformatted as "FAT32". I'm simply curious - what's the difference and why won't my PS3 recognise NTFS? I'm suspecting it's more of Microsoft's world domination strategy... For the record, a remarkably helpful site has explained a painless way to accomplish the reformat ( a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a ) so I'm all good to go. All other sites recommend that flippin' Switchblade programme, which just kept crashing on me.

What kind of twin names do you like?

Either fourth or sixth. And I like my themes a lot more subtle, like Daphne and Laurel, or Sylvia and Forrest (Daphne means laurel, and Sylvia means forest). I despise matchy twin names, and I would go above and beyond to make sure they didn't have matching initials. For example, the next two names my husband and I have agreed on for our second are Daphne and Dexter. If we had twins, we would have to change one so their initials didn't match.

Should my boyfriend and I go to second base?

I'm 15 an he's 16. We are both in 10th grade btw! :) we've been going out for 3 months and we kiss all the time. I loooove kissing and cuddling and huggin and like everything like that!! :) he has tried to touch my on multiple occasions but I kept telling him I'm not ready. I've thought about his a lot and I've talked to him about how I feel. He's sooooooo sweet and understanding and he says he wouldn't EVER want to do anything to make me uncomfortable and that he always wants me to feel happy and safe with him. Gosh he's so sweet and amazing!! :)) I want to go to second base but the only thing that's stopping that I dint want to have til marriage and I don't want to seem like I want to have soon cuz I don't! ;P should I go to second base? Thanks!!!!

Is this correct in German?

Dies ist die Reuss in Luzern, Schweiz. Es ist 158 Kilometern. Es ist einer auf die gr��ten Fl�sse in die Schweiz.

Will a plecostomus eat other fish ?

I have a somewhat large Plecostomus (suckerfish) that has lived in the aquarium for over a year with a school of neons and five glofish. None of the fish have ever had trouble with eachother & it has been a peaceful tank. I have owned several suckerfish in my time & have never had a problem, I love them ! over the past month however the fish population is dwindling. I have gone from 11 to ZERO neons and now a glofish is missing. I am not an aquarium newbie & have NEVER seen this. There are no bodies. They have not been sucked into the filter & even though I can find no way for them to jump out, I have searched all around the tank & these fish are just GONE. Over about the same time period ( I never get to see it ) but I hear the suckerfish thrashing up to the top & by the time I look over hes settling back into his "hideout". Has anyone ever seen these get aggressive ? I know they are not meat eaters but I am absolutely stumped & if hes not eating them then I have no idea what else could be going on. All of the mentioned fish were a year or so old, healthy & had become large as to be expected with age. Any tips ?

Whammy bar for Schecter Blackjack Guitar?

I have a Schecter Blackjack guitar and have been thinking about getting a whammy bar, but I've heard that it's impossible or it would cost too much to be installed to be worth it? Does anyone know anything about that or how much it would cost? Thanks :D

Parse errors are hounding me, please help!?

Its difficult to tell because I don't know the function of the script, but it seems it wants you to close your brackets in a different place. Check your parameters, try splitting your brackets, and try, try again.

Can you email a batch file?

Antivirus usually blocks .bat files. You can Zip like Buzzy Buddy sez or rename the file from .bat to .zzz. Be certain to tell the recepient to rename to .bat PS at my shop we also block zip files! Some places do not allow any attachments on email. In that case if the bat file is not too long, you can just copy and paste the code into the email and let the recipient create the actual bat file.

Is it true that Swedish and Norwegians hate Americans but Danish people love them?

I came across a lot of Swedes and Norwegians who were anti american and looked down on them but that wasn't the case with Denmark. Danish people seem to want to be like Americans and stick up for them. Swedish and Norwegian people also seem to be more naturally intelligent and cleaner than Danish people so maybe that explains it? Is Denmark the only pro American country in Europe?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What Are Your Favorite Simpsons Episodes(You Can Give Between 15 And 50 Episodes)?

All the older episodes are pretty solid, but my favorite is who shot mr burns? or the one where homer takes care of Mr Burns.

Elvis Costello or Bruce Springsteen for talent competition?

There is a big talent competition coming up at the college I'm currently attending UC Irvine, and it's for my residency area Middle Earth. I'm trying to decide which would be the best song/songs to perform. I have a ten minute time limit, so I can use that to my advantage. One option I had was doind a medley of Elvis Costello featuring Welcome To The Working Week, The Angels Wanna Wear My Read Shoes, Oliver's Army, Veronica, Pump It Up and Radio, Radio. For that, it would just be me singing and playing distorted electric guitar. The second option I have is singing and playing acoustic guitar to The Rising by Bruce Springsteen. For that one, I was thinking of getting the audience going singing along and clapping their hands, and if they have a wireless mic, walk out into the audience and get them more excited. Bottom line though, I looking to win this, and I'm sure most people are gonna be doing ballad or slow jam covers of Bruno Mars or Jason Mraz or something along those lines. I'm looking to do something different, something creative, something that's exciting and something that's me. I sing both options pretty well for the most part and can play both on guitar. Which do you think is the best one??????

How can we EFFECTIVELY promote African women ahead of their menfolk?

"Ahead" isn't the answer. Promoting their equality as human beings is more appropriate; however, targeting programs to help them because they are so disadvantage and in order for them to reach their potential as human beings of equal worth is certainly worth the while. Many Christian ministries have targeted programs in Africa including schools and colleges for women in addition to food and medical aid for people.

How can I get out of not goin somewhere?

Hi I need to tell a little porkie to my mate as I said I would take my kids to go swimmin 2morro afternoon but my son would rather go to school in the afternoon as it would mean him skipping the season at nursery also were goin away sat and got so much to sort out my husband is stuck on the motorway right now and she knows this and we need our car to go away in on sat so thought I could say there was summit wrong with the car we needed to go get sorted in the afternoon something little so that we could pretend to take car to garage in mornin and say we gotta take it back in afternoon for it to be fixed but what can I say is wrong with it

Today I wrote a letter to Pope Benedict XVI, when I wanted to poste it on some other sites, I was unabled.Why?

Your letter is long enough to be a speech. That speech is about your life. If you was going to post it on sites that had religion or the media. They wouldn't want viewers to see it. Because they don't care. Religious people or big businesses like to show letters that have pain and suffering or have letters that prays them. Because they want to show others they care about the inferior. They like stuff thats all about them. I think you have the wrong category, and your speech is quite good.

How do i retrieve my PUK code?

i accidentally blocked my PIN and now its asking for a "PUK" code and i don't know wat the heck that is... so i wanted to know where do i get my "PUK" code from... by the way i have a SAMSUNG S5600 and im on orange.

What are some good ways to cope with the stress of past due bills?

Just behind a bit on most bills due to cutbacks in salary. Just was curious about some coping skills.

Anyone care that the God born as man by virgin, dying and rising schtick is stolen from other, older religion?

Religion is pretty much a superstition. It doesn't matter which one or how old. The really scary ones like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism show the depths of depravity that the human imagination can repress people and subject the entire world in fudamentalist misery.

I really like this girl, what should I ask her? She's a witch?

You can't distract her from the witchcraft. It's a part of who she is. I used to be wiccan as well. It's a type of religion, and it's just like asking christians to not think about Jesus. It can't happen, and you shouldn't ask that of her.

Is the Habitrail OVO a Good cage?

I have an OVO with all the add on packs and a few extra tubes just running around it. Instead of making it high and tall I made it low and flat because I have a dwarf hamster in it and no way would she have been able to climb the tubes. She totally LOVES it and is way more active than any of my other hamsters were in other cages. The wheel is nice and quiet and she loves the little house under the food dish. The tubes dont really have holes so the pee doesnt leak out like it can with other cages. The water bottle is nice and can be connected anywhere u want it. Really I love it and wouldnt get any other cage. I would just definitely get a maze and as many expansions as u have room for and have fun making it ur own. Good luck!

Method of coroner's election in the Usa?

Each county has their own ways of selecting the coroner. In many locales, you don't even have to be a doctor, just a politician.

Mexico's chances??????

Lets just move on......maybe it happened for a reason! Had Mexico qualified to the Olympics, Hugo Sanchez would still be coach and might could have had another embarrment against Honduras on Aug. 20! I have faith in Sven and by the time 2010 rolls by....Mexico will be ready for Africa!

How long should a childs fever normally last?

How long should a childs fever normally last? My Child has had a fever for about four days now. We have already taken him to see his doctor, and he is simply taking fever reducers. It has now been four days and he is still on and off with this fever. He is 22months and we dont know what to do now.

Help please help stupid question I know but I need help is there any differences betweeen?


Why do global warming deniers always feel the need to engage in ad hominem attacks?

I feel your frustration. I, too, get irritated at the so-called "deniers." Perhaps our anger should be positioned toward the pseudo-scientists (and the media which gives them an unfettered sounding board) rather than to the mindless lemmings who follow them.

Will Texas secede from the Union if Obama is reelected?

I heard that Texas might secede from the Union if Obama is reelected in 2012. Do you think Texas will secede from the Union if Obama is reelected?

How many dang Wanda the Witches are there?

Haha i think theres three. theres the original wanda, theres the new wanda (who is a level 1) and theres me wanda. i just started doing it because it was funny how aggravated the original wanda got after level 1 wanda started. i also wanted to see if the original wanda was making it all up and started a new account just to poke fun at people, because normal people dont get too angry when they see people copying them...

CAN anyone translate the following from Greek to English for me?

"logika tha to deis otan pia tha eisai poli makria...esy koimasai ston kanape sou kai rixolazeis kai ligo enw egw se perimenw opws sxedon kathe vrady na xipniseis kai na me sfixeis stin agkalia sou..parolo to euhxo roxalito sou otan koimasai eisai poli omorfos kai me perimeneis..esy thelw na mou gnwriseis th pollh pou se krataei makria mou

My 1993 Nissan Altima might have electrical problems?

My 1993 Nissan Altima Has Been Running Good But Recently, The Right Side Brake Light Went Out, I Bought A Bulb To Replace It But It Was Working Again. A Few Weeks Later The Dash Light And Light Where The Shift Gear Is Went Out. Now I Got Pulled Over Because Both Taillights Are Out. But The Dash Light Comes On Every So Often And When I Push On The Brakes The Time Light Flickers And Sometimes Goes Off. I Think Its When I Hit A Few Bumps It Knocked Stuff Out Of Whack. The Cop Said It Might Be A Fuse But The Dash Light Comes On When I Hit A Bump And I Hit A Big One Yesterday Before The Tail Lights Went Out. Do You Know What This Might Be? Thanks

Can this be a NBA 2K11 DREAM TEAM?

You won't be able to get them, Chris Paul is the most reasonable thought, the others are out of hand.

What are some methods of eradicating fruit flies? The vinegar method wasn't effective.?

Besides the obvious hints about not leaving food out or garbage cans open, what are some other ways to get rid of the little beasts? The vinegar in a gl with Saran Wrap(with some holes in it) didn't cut it.

Why were NATO and the Warsaw Pact formed following WW2?

well NATO was created as an intergovernmental treaty alliance between certain countries (the US, england, france, etc.) and not the soviet union. the warsaw pact was the response of the soviet bloc to NATO...or so i understand.

What is difference in culture between Tokyo and Osaka?

Tokyo is viewed as being all business and very formal and serious, while Osaka is viewed as being open, fun and communicative.

Does this make me less of a man?

Of course not. You dont "sound like a chick" either. You actually sound like a great man. As a teenage guy, I am already fed up with and refuse to fit the mold of the stereotype male. The way they follow trends, the way act buff, the way they dress together. It just all gets on my nerves. Be yourself. The type of male that refuses to be anything that might hurt their reputation, such as respectful or compionate probably has the most to worry about when it comes to girls. Many of the women in my life have often left angry and disappointed. Expecting the good types of things (that you do) to come from their men. Don't let the ignorant ones get you down, as I'm sure many of them have said things before, and you may even get a couple ones in these answers. Just ignore them, and keep being the good guy you are being.

I have a Lab Mix,What's the mix?

He's 5 & only weighs 60 lbs.He doesn't have web feet,He has a flesh colored nose,his underbelly is pink & very soft so is his hair.He can scale rocks & the sides of hills like a billy goat.He looks almost pure Lab but he has a bushy tail? Here's a 10 second video of him.a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

3rd ectopic, do I still have hope of conceiving & giving birth? Did you?

Hopefully the doctor will find the problem. Having 1 eptopic is rare. There's only a 1% chance of 1 right? Good luck and best wishes.

Acuvue advance contact lenses?

I have been using acuvue advance leses for astigmatism for a few months. I used to use the acuvue toric lens. What really bothers me about these lenses, is that I wear them maybe 4-5 days a week (for maybe 8-10 hrs), because I want to stretch them out a bit, like I've always done with disposables, but the things only seem to be good for about 7 wears, then they get really foggy and, splotchy. I've tried the opti-free solution, solo care, and renu (all the advanced solutions), and it seems to make no difference. What am I doing wrong?

I feel pressured to go back to work after having surgery?

If I am reading this properly they still want you to come in but you will be doing administrative duties. This is usually giving orders and processing paperwork. Nothing standing or difficult. Every company except the most flexible ones will want you to do something. The reason for this is that they have a lot of work to do to function and if you are hired you might as well be productive even with the injury. It is standard practice to pressure you. The best option would be to make sure you are not pushing yourself too much and consult the doctor as well. In the case of knee pain it might be wise to see the doctor first and the supervisor later since you might have a complication or slow healing from the surgery. If you go to work you might ruin your knee.

Anime Comics? Please?

you could always edit the song to shorten or repeat to the length of a comic strip you already have.

I have a dual core processor..........its processor speed is 2.8Ghz......?

wil the processoe speed b divided into 1.8 4 each processor...............are the 2 processors virtual or r they physically present........if yes dus tht mean i hav 2 processors working wid 2.8 GHz..........if yes then dus tht mean i hav bought 2 PCs 4 the price of one?...........hw dus Core 2 Duo differ frm dis................hw dus pentium d differ frm these two ......and also pentium 4

Who was the audience in the Perils of Indifference speech?

I know I already asked a question involving this, but I have another question about Elie Wiesel's "The Perils of Indifference". Who was the audience? Was it available to the public, or was it private? Any info is helpful.

How are my chances to get into UCLA/ Berkeley?

As long as you get good grades, and do LOTS of extracurriculars, you'll be more than fine! Colleges don't just want bookworms. They want to see someone who can balance a lot of things, kids that are well-rounded, and enjoy what they do, and are hopefully good at what they do.

When You Bought A Plasma TV, Is It Already In 600hz When You Turn It On?

I just want to buy a panasonic viera and i want to know that if i bought the tv and turn it on, is it already in 600hz or you will go to the settings to make it 600hz? thanks!

How do I properly ask a girl out?

Just go up to her and say something random. That way her guard is not up. now whatever u say make sure it's funny and not crazy or anything. Just make her chuckle like ''can u believe professor D yesterday he talked too long''. Then go from there and say i'm trying to find a study buddy would u be intrested. Just go with the flow

Whats a scene kid someone plz tell me?

now plz just give me the actual urban dictionary of their personality not some snobbish **** i just wanna know what they actually are personal wise

How would you spell the name: "Candace" or "Candice"?

I think we've settled on Holly Candace, but I want to spell the little lady's middle name correctly.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I really need help!!! sugar glider?

i have a sugar glider named gizmo and he bites and his teeth are getting there any type of toys he can chew on? he is still a baby and i don't want him to make a habit of eating peoples fingers. also is there anything i should know about sugar gliders????

What do you think of these books?

I've only read Twilight and I'm not a fan. & I can't read Fallen because I don't like the cover and for some reasons I'm a judger.

I am currently on unemployment and have been looking for work, now I have to have rotator cuff surgery, help !?

I am currently collecting unemployment and looking for work, everything I know how to do is physical in nature, but now after having an MRI I found out that I may be getting a new rotator cuff (surgery) and could be 6 months to a year healing ! Unemployment runs out for me in mid Dec., but if I can't work I won't qualify anyway. Is there temporary disability ? or should I try to get on disability from SS ? HELP !

Should I just quit college?

Finish at Washington State and get your degree. Then go to New York or Europe for advanced training. It's important to get the bachelor's degree out of the way first.

How can I get rid of a horrendous odor?

Recently, I left some milk in my room..( i shouldn't have had it in there anyway, I know )..but it curdled. I forgot about it and the other day when I was cleaning my hamster's cage, I knocked it over accidently. That was three days ago and it was cleaned up. It seeped into the carpet, and now I can not even go into my room. I think it is curdling even more in my carpet and I cannot figure out how to get rid of this gross accident. I tried putting on my fan and air conditioner when I was gone today and opened the door. So far, nothing has worked. Do you have any ideas? Any help appreciated! Only serious answers please.

Farrah Fawcett gates of heaven joke?

God, you steal everything from me, don't you? First, you make your avatar look exactly like me, except for the eyes. You even have a beach background too! And now you steal my joke. Which I didn't make up, but posted before you. I'm suing.

Best answer 10 pts (20 characters)?

My brother's birthday is coming up (he's turning 9), so his teacher said he could make a poster with a whole bunch of things about him on it. So far we have pics on our Arizona vacation, an xbox disc for his "when I grow up section", what he collects, star wars, sports, and pets. So me and my madre were trying to think of more really cool ideas for it... And we fail. So best answer gets 10 points: what else should we put on a soon-to-be-9-year-olds birthday poster?

Mom Sick...Need help with gift?

Ok so about 2 and a half months ago i found out my mom has cancer. Its extremly rare and she has to go to texas( there are one of the best institutes to help her there in the world) well she had to go for about 2 to 3 months. She left on Jan 2nd. By the way im only 13 well just turned it in the ned of january. Ok well as a birthday gift i was able to come and visit her for a week, it made me feel much better and more relaxed knowin exacly whats going on with her. Well my younger bro has been really upsett so my dad got him a flight on friday and is stayin til sunday. I want to send her something but i dont no wut. its really hard for me to go to the mall or anythin. Whats something simple? And that i can get by friday. Im in school all day and i need something simple and quick but catchy??? Any ideas please

Hi,i juz wanna know if...?

hi i juz wanna know if i am a fertille person(stupid question i know) here's the thing,is it tru that girls with wide hipes are more fertile compared to those who arent? is there anything i can do to make me more fertile?like wat to eat or somethin? oh and pls gimme some symptoms to show that i am fertille? plssssssssssssssss! i really need ya'lls help! i need to know! pls and thank you!

Is it okay to mention Facebook jokingly in my college essay?

Specifically for UCs (Berkeley, LA, SD). I wanted to mention how I am the only person with my name on Facebook, jokingly, to show how unique I am. Would this be alright? I don't know how casual the readers generally are, so I am hesitant to adopt a less academic tone. Should I let my personality through in the essay-- i.e. joking tone and quippy jokes-- or should I stick to a well-written sob story?

Rescued Fledglings? what should I do?

It was a last ditch effort, since the nest was about 30 feet up, and the area is always filled with people. One of them looks about 17 days old, while the other two are probably about 14. I'm not able to care for them, but I'm afraid that if I bring them to my local animal shelter they will turn me away and ask me to put them back. What should I do? I feel really guilty...

To drive a motor scooter, do you need a license for it?

depends on state or country- if in UK you probably won't be able to run it on road until 16 and some tests. US- under 50cc scooter might not need a drivers license, Iowa you can get moped/scooter permits 15, some other states also mentioned as allowing 15 year olds to ride with permit at that age- Texas, Michigan, Arkansas mentioned past week, Ohio and Colorado mentioned not to require any license- drunk drivers with pulled license get around on them. So what state are you in? does it consider a under 50cc scooter a 'moped' , not requiring a license? Or letting 14/15 year olds get a scooter/moped permit/license? Or is it like New Jersey that says any scooter size requires a motorcycle endorsement on license?

What kind of amp do i need to get the best out of my box?

this is the amp that will get the most out of your box , you'll notice it run's 1000watts rms to the correct ohm load thats very important , never wire to the wrong ohm load or double the max wattage are great rules of thumb , what ever amp you get make sure it's 2.7 ohm capable , this is the best amp you'll find though a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Major League Gaming Q's?

I'm currently getting ready to take my gaming to the next level. Otherwise taking it to the MLG level. I am very good at Call of Duty Modern Warfare and I'm Descent at Halo 3. I have not seen many Call of Duty 4 tournaments though. Should i practice halo 3 or Call of duty 4?

Is the convection microwave oven the answer to my space problem?

So we have cluttered kitchen and are trying to save on space. Tonight I started to research the convection microwave oven and I am starting to get seriously convinced. Here's are the basics I need: hot dogs to get browned, pop corn to get popped, bread to get toasted...but would like it to be one contraption if possible. sometimes when you try to combine 2 things...dvd/vcr player, it becomes a piece of junk. Is this true for the convection microwave oven? or did i just find some more counter space?

Forza Motorsport 3 not so good?

Is anyone else finding Forza Motorsport 3 not as good as they say it is? The Commercials made it look like a real simulation and a complete new experience to drive, but honestly, it is not all that good. Yeah it's fun to play and drive but I've noticed a lot of problems with the realism of the game. The crash damage is terrible. It reaches a certain point where your car cannot be hurt anymore, even if you crash into a wall at 200mph. Another is you can only look left and right in the pit which is a pain. Racing in street legal cars is only fun until you sc paint, because honestly, who wants to drive a $200,000 Ferrari that's all banged up. And there is no night racing, no weather variations, and the absolute WORST part is that they made AWD cars faster off the line then RWD. Unless you have a perfect launch, that will never happen. Lastly, what is with that Dodge Challenger pullin a wheel stand off the drag strip line, far as I know, that's not possible either. I'm sorry Turn 10, but Forza 3 will be forgotten when Gran Turismo 5 comes out.

How come you never hear of woman from countries with very little food having eating disorders?

because they don�t have the luxury of being insecure about their weight. for them, finding and eating food is a matter of survival, not whether or not their s look too big for their 100 dollar prom dress.

Who is liable for compensation?

one "R"(driver in a pvt co.) gave lift to his brother "A"(driver in govt. Office), while both were going for an official work, while returning A insisted on drawing, on much persuance R gave in. But A drove rashly which led to an accident, killing both A nd R, and injuring a taxi driver and his pengers. Plz provide some points (Indian law) in favor or R and his cmpany...plz help its urgent

Translate vietnam to english below?

"Many times, you scared me with what you said--not believing in me. I know what you are thinking. You and I are not speaking the same language so whatever I say you will not believe it or doubt it. But it is enough for me to know that I have feeling for you".

What are the loudest (as in most vibrant) shoes you own?

I have neon orange chucks - among several other colors, but I'm pining for hot pink doc marten boots.

Aztec, Mexico, about their clothing, eg. head dresses, can anyone wear them, or are they for important/others?

Aztec, Mexico, about their clothing, eg. head dresses, can anyone wear them, or are they for important/others? this is URGENT i need it 4 2morow 4 a skl project, plz plz tel mi anything u know!!!! thx!!

The commies, The muslims, The ........... who's the next boogie man?

to justify huge millitary spending the govt needs an enemy (real or imaginary) so who will the next boogie man be after the muslim "threat" looses its popular appeal?

Hi Friends. Pls help me to install NASA World Wind Java SDK. Thank you?

does the process shows up in task manager when u click on it......and check whether temperory files are created during the process....(In temp or %temp%)

Should i be mad about this? Help!?

Okay. Me and my friends sometimes talk about baby names. My 2 girl names are Chesni May and Rebekah Taylor. Well my friend ( knowing my names) decides she wants to name her's Rebekah Taylor. I told her that was my name i came up with and she goes no yours can be chesni may and mine is Rebekah Taylor. What should i do? is it bad to be mad?

How do I prepare myself for my puppy's spay?

I'm really worried about it. She's the first dog I've ever had. She's a miniature schnauzer. I guess what I'm asking is what do I expect? How do I prepare? I planned it during Spring Break, and I'm taking off a few days of work. I've heard Spay's are worse than neutering, but I really want to get her spayed! I don't want any unwanted pregnancies, it's mean and i'm no BYB!

Egypt: Does anyone else have a really bad feeling about everything that's been going on lately here in Egypt?

I had that feeling during the revolution but now things are much more stable even after the Tahreer square strike. Don't worry isa nothing that bad will happen.

Friday, August 12, 2011

What makes your teapot whistle ?

The pressure of the steam as it tries to squeeze out of the tiny opening at the top of the pot is what causes the whistling sound.

Where can I get a shift knob for my 2000 Ford Focus ZTS that is compatible with the Reverse Lockout function?

I have looked everywhere, and I hate the stock knob that is one the Focus now. Where can I buy one, besides because I don't want to pay $90 for a shift knob. I just want one that is better, or however I can get a different one.

Can someone with congenital insensitivity to pain be tortured in Hell?

They can't feel pain..So why would God not allow them to be tortured..If they can't feel pain...-Would they automatically be sent to Heaven, since they cannot feel being tortured?

Where can I find a list for medical utilization with regards to car accidents that insurance companies pay out?

I was looking for a list of costs for different treatments that car insurance companies pay out to claimants (personal lines).

Should me and my friends fight these dudes?

wow did they write it down in there journal too?? can you take him seriously he made an appointment to "throw down"..if he was bout his sh** he would of done it right then and there...these guys are losers dont waste your time..

Seriously, this lady wants me to believe this stuff about her "cross breeds"?

They are all the same. Mutts. The CKC they are registered with is a bogus club some guy set up so he could charge more for his puppies.

What is the best battery for a 25 hp mariner motor for a pontoon?

Sears has some deep cycle epoxy sealed marine batteries that are very good for your application .... get a 2amp battery charger and a small timer to keep the battery charged -- seal the timer in a zip heavy duty bag and do the battchgr in a side vent box ... happy boatin'

Barcelona to Lisbon Check In Time and Transportation?

I have a flight with TAP Portugal from Barcelona (BCN Terminal 1) to Lisbon in April which was moved to 7:05 AM departure, at what time do i need to be at the airport so that i won't miss this flight? what procedures will i have to p through? what is the cheapest way to get to the airport at this time?

How do i get untangled hair?

I have wavy black hair and its always in tangles. when my mom trys to untangle my hair it hurts a lot!! My mom also says that my hair is kind of losing its color. How do i get it untangled without hurting and maybe you can help with the color too. I am NOT going to cut it and i want something fast. Thank you soooooo much for helping

Thoughts on my lyrics, how would you tweak it? think its good or no?

It's a little wordy. Not something i would be singing along to or hearing on the radio. But the story and meaning behind it are good!

Can you suggest poems about racial identity?

The closest I can find is about racism. It's called 'Definition of Racism' by Zaheed Patel. I was going to recommend 'I, Too, Sing America', but you all ready have it.

Atheists, Christians, others... Have you heard about the doentary entitled: "The Link?"?

Yeah, I watched it Mon. night on history. I had it confused with the 'missing link' of human evolution, so was disappointed to see that it was about the first primate, but still enjoyed it.

White Clothes with black screen printing need to whiten them again ?

My 2 oldest girls are in Tae Kwon Do and their outfits are white of course. Well they also have black screen printing on the back of the shirts for the company. Their outfits are starting to look dingy and i want to whiten them again. I have tried bleach and oxy before the screen printing was done and it didn't work, i need something that will work but won't run the black into it or ruin the print. Any ideas?

Is my ps2 game glitched?

I borrowed my older brothers final fantasy 10 game for the ps2 and he was able to play it and beat it all the way through. well i borrowed it and i got up to the boss fight sinspawn gui. well i fight him the first time and than it goes to this cutscene kinda thing where it willl show my three characters in the background standing in there fighting position and the sinspawn gui on the ground with his tentecools on his face just squirming around and it will just stay there and do that. i did clean the disk and i retried it and its sill doing the same thing. my friend has has the same problem on the same spot. so i was wondering why my brother could play through the game but i cant cause of this problem that i have and he doesnt..... please answers asap lol.....

My laptop wont turn on!!!?

I own a toshiba equium laptop. For a few weeks now its been getting slower and slower to do the simplest of tasks and now it wont turn on. It starts, when I press the power on on, the toshiba sign comes up, then it goes black and has like a blinking underscore in the top left corner. Really anxious, whats happened?!?!

Can anybody decipher the real image of the "MAN WITH BLUE TURBAN" in Nostradamus Prophecies "?

Nostradamus was unbelievably accurate. Honestly, I try not to think about the blue turban. I am hoping the world can get its s.h.i.t. together before that happens.

My topp baby names? opinions ?

Hiya, Xavier def my favorite boys name its what I desperatly wanted for my baby but it turned out to be a pink baby and was named Erin can also be spelt eiriin and means Ireland as in the country, love the name ava as a first name to but Xavier is my favorite by far and xavia for the feminine form.

Moving from an urban/diverse environment to a more "laid back" setting how could I socialize better?

I would just relax, heads up about progress and practicality. LISTEN. Everyone knows that you can rearrange the letters and get 'silent'. Remember everyone of us started out the same way--naked and pink. Do your thing, don't have to people please...there are not enough hours in a day to allow for self-indulgent self-effacing. Good luch at the new school and home, Have fun. Take mind off troubles. If that's a real diagnosis, I'd take it any day to being what I have...

How do I use my wireless internet?

I have a 2002 Toshiba A10-S127( and I don't know how to use the wireless internet. Please help!

I want to save money to go to Ocho Rios Jamaica for my 40th birthday In October the problem is no money?

I want to save money to go to Ocho Rios Jamaica for my 40th birthday In October, the problem is I work from pay check to pay check those any one have a sugestion on how to save at least $2000 by then. I make $900 a month and my rent is $440 everything else varies I really want to go never been on a vacation like this before thanks in advance.....

I was wondering which is a better toy for an 18 month old girl a dollhouse or a play kitchen?

For 18 mos the play kitchen would be best, for toddlers love to play with all the pots and pans. They are still too young to know how to play with a dollhouse. At this stage they want to immitate what they see and I think that they see mommy in the kitchen more than mommy playing with a dollhouse.

WILL TAMIFLU HARM ME??..and is it ok to eat halls and cough drops?

The flu vaccine won't help because you already have the flu. Tamiflu won't cure the flu, but Tamiflu is supposed to ease the symptoms, and make recovery quicker. It is OK to take Halls cough drops, but you should not eat them like candy. Yes, you should keep taking the Tamiflu. However, you should take your temperature regularly, and if you start to feel worse tell you mother. The main danger is high fever, or difficulty breathing.

Questions about wormholes?

can we use them to go places?Can we use them to go to the end of our galexy or even other galexies like Andromeda? Are they dangerous? How can scientist find them?

Does the anonymity of the internet allow people to be mean?

I do think that nice mild mannered people can become little monsters under the anonimity of the internet. Their worst self comes out and they unleash their rage on unsuspecting askers. I've got a question in Pets & I'm sure over half the answers will be mean. I'm actually tempted to just let it go for a vote after past experience with this section.

What do you think of these names for a girl?

Grey is a unique girls name. I like it. Um, a bit of advice though. Don't go putting all your stock into girls. I SWORE I was having a girl this last time and I got another boy! Pick out some boys names, too. When I found out it was a boy, we scrambled for weeks and weeks trying to name him.

Love, white, black, asian, european....will someone please help me?

First of all, you shouldn't lie. People hate to be lied to. I wouldn't continue the relationship because i'm sure shes mad that you lied to her.

Umm...a friend told me this?

Tr� Cool (born Frank Edwin Wright III; December 9, 1972) is a German-born American drummer for the punk rock band Green Day. He replaced the band's former drummer John Kiffmeyer in 1989. He has also played in Samiam, The Lookouts, and the Green Day side projects The Network and Foxboro Hot Tubs.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Names for my baby girl?

I think Jillian Rose is just adorable. No doubt she may be called Jill by her friends, but you can always call her JIllian at home. I also think Lyla and Aiden are adorable!!!!!!!

Kingdom Hearts ~ Monstro?

I can't seem too figure out where to go. Ive gone in so many tunnels! Also where can I fid the navi-g pieces. I already have one.

Which names do you like the best?

I like Julia Abigail for a girl. I love Ryan Christopher! I'd like it if you changed Derek Ethan to Ethan Derek. I LOVE the name Ethan Derek!!!

Help a dude's Friend out - Tournement Deck Rating & Fix -- !!!?

good deck. ill rate a 7.8/10 though i dont understand why u let ur opponent draw so often. that makes it easier to get the cards they want. otherwise tell him good luck with that.

Peanut er and marshmellow squares...what r the measurments again? lol?

how much er do i need for the squares? do i use the whole bag of marshmellows? how many erscotch chips do i melt? and how much peanut er do i mix in? is there some sort of website with this recipe? i know its a either very late or very early for me to be cookin..but thats just me

I'm in terrible form at Black Ops, but I can't turn it around?

maybe last week you was playing against rubbish opponents and this week your up against top cl players who always kick ***, and thats why your getting dominated

WHERE in the Bible does it say that an Abortion is Murder, and a Sin?

The main point is "Thou Shalt Not Kill". The Pope defined a zygote to be alive, therefore abortion is murder. Jesus said nothing about it. The Bible says nothing about it.

Could the "rapture" described in the Bible be an ancient idea of teleportation?

The "rapture" part describes Jesus "ascending the heavens" . Could it mean he would be teleported aboard an alien spacecraft from Earth and taken to their planet or world or whatever ? It would seem miraculous to most humans even today . Is teleportation theoretically possible ? Like the Star Trek type " Beam me up " etc.

Monotone singing voice?

I really want to be able to sing for my own pleasure. I've played guitar for ten years but I've never practiced singing because I've always hated my voice. Now, I'm ready to practice but I sound so monotone. I have a VERY small range. My tone isn't bad but I just can't figure out how to sing other notes. Is there any way to learn how to actually sing or am I just out of luck because of the voice I was born with?

Freezing winter & chicken chicks? When will they be ready to go outside or in the barn?

It would have been ok to leave them in the barn. She would have let them under her when ever they wanted to get warm. It will now be a good real experiment to reintroduce her to the flock, pecking order should continue as before.

Which users football questions have you just GOT to answer?

EK/Fox, BAD, UC Blues, Blooz,Dan ,ILP,Muffins, Dubya, Delboy, Deano (But thats just because he is Buff) , KK , ..............oh too many to mention...........i will not answer any of MJ`s or Manchester fellow/Sir Ryan/Manc.

This is an important question pertaining to Amitabh Bachchan's Don released in 1978.?

In the original DON(1978), when ACP Desilva conducted a raid that night and was killed, then Vijay was arrested by Insp Gen Malik as he was thought to be the real DON. Vijay tried his best to prove his innocence, but fails as all the concrete evidences & witnesses desert him. However, there was one witness who could have easily proved that the person arrested as DON was actually Vijay, but Vijay never bothered to ask Desilva about him nor did it strike the late ACP that the witness of this person could most easily prove Vijay's innocence. NOW, you people tell me who was this witness ?

What is the value on a Bayliner Trophy 2159?

I think that 8,000 is about right, but maybe a little bit high. As you probably know, Bayliners are not high quality boats, but it sounds like it has a decent engine and some good accessories. I think that you would be getting a pretty good deal for 6800-7000, but you definitely shouldn't be paying over 8000.

What can I say to people about my extremely pale skin?

Just accept that you are pale and if people ask, which they probably won't, just say, "Yeah I know I'm pale, it's okay, there's nothing I could do about it." Because you're born the way you are and there is nothing you can do about that. Acceptance is the fastest road to confidence.

How can land, which is unproductive for grains and vegetables, be productive?

Some crops that make good feedstock for biofuel production can be grown on marginal land. Check out switchgr and camelina.

I'm in such a slump right now how do I get out?

It does actually sound like depression, even though you say you are not depressed. You should talk to your mother about all this stuff, or someone else you can confide in.

Should I Trade Jermaine Dye, B.J Upton and Tom Gorzelanny for David Ortiz???

I am in a very deep 14 team mixed league. If i do the trade i will have ortiz in the util spot ryan bruan at third and i have alex rios in RF. Also I have podsednik coming off the DL to fill the empty spot becuase my league has 3 util spaces. Should i do the trade? What do you think?

Which monologue should i choose for drama!?

Don't do Shakesphere, it's sooo overdone, and BELIEVE me, you won't get extra points. One of my favorites is Ma Joad in The Gs of Wrath. I can't remember it exactly, but it went something like this: "Rich fellas come up an' they die, an' their kids ain't no good an' they die out. But we keep a'comin'. We're the people that live. They can't wipe us out; they can't lick us. We'll go on forever, Pa, 'cause we're the people." It's so beautiful, and if done the right way can totally inspire people.

Since the Lord restores us much more than what we lost, if we faithfully trust him....?

You are right. The thing is people don't know how to trust him. They look at their surrounding and their cirstances and judge that God doesn't care about them. We consider God as someone who we can fully understand with our knowledge. We put God on our level so we think we know God and his ways. It is hard for people who doesn't have faith to trust him. I like what you said about trusting him, but most of the christian didn't even learn to trust him. If they have a problem, they try to seek other for help and God would be their last option. I wish every christian would be like you and don't be discourage by what the world said. Just faithfully trust and obey his command.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fallout 3 finding doctor lei?

where is common wealth cause i wnt to find doctor lei. all the scribes after you wake up and start broken steel they say she went to common wealth . if it aint common wealth then just tell me were i find her plzzzz

Can you find any details in Pride and Prejudice that Elizabeth Bennet does not act like a lady in 18th century?

P&P takes place in the 19th century. With the fact that Elizabeth refused Mr. Collins comes more than just the fact that she refused him--what she does is refuse to take that long walk down the aisle with any old guy who asks her, even if it means endangering her own future livelihood. Turning down Mr. Collins may seem like a no-brainer, but by rejecting him Elizabeth places her own judgment over social pressures to conform, and that was no easier to do in Austen’s time than it is today. Her aggressive opinions and outspokenness makes her a bit of a stand-out for the 19th century. Check out the link below to read up some more info on her, and to see all the conventions Austen is messing with.

Do i have a criminal record?

You dont have a record,but it will show on the system you have been arrested,dont worry if you are honest and up front this should not affect your visa application.

Are the tea parties proof of Big Brother watching you? Does this speech sound eerily foreboding?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and then listen to the part about "Where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity?" a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

ed with Hostile Family?

I would see someone alone before including your mom. You need advise from a professional before bring someone into the conversation who has both barrels of her gun already loaded.

Where to buy 12+ volt, 900 - 1000 amp capacitors?

Most online seem to only have the voltage and farad rating and I'm not sure how to determine the amp rating from those values. I just need a 1 second, 240 volt minimum, 900-1000 amp pulse, and was hoping 20 capacitors (each charged by 1 battery) would be a cheaper than buying 20 marine batteries!

Fast and excessive hair growth on face and hands alone...?

i being a guy of age 21..regret very much for havin fast and excessive hair growth on my face alone..this was oly after a jaundice treatment..intake of several different medicines..lead me to this excessive hair growth..I REALISED ITS A SIDE EFFECT...shaving and using hair removers doesnt giv me a permanent solution..instead it makes my skin rough....cuz i am very much frustrated because of tis..I START CRYIN WHEN I LOOK AT MY OLD GOOD LOOKIN PHOTOS..I AM affected by this problem for the past 3 years..plz suggest me a safe treatment which does not harm me in any way..are laser treatments advisable?plz gimme a good suggestion...thanks a lot..

Why are children taught lies in public schools?

What is a lie and what is the truth? Public schools are basically just indoctrination centers, they do not teach on how to think but what is 'correct' to think and feel.

Are there any storm chasers here? And if so are you ready for some outbreaks WOO WOO?

Sunday- Possible outbreak in the ozarks are in eastern Oklahoma-Western/Central Arkansas into Tennesse! Yeah baby! Anyone ready for some possible tornadoes?

Help me correctin my english in writing?

Admittedly, I am influenced by my father a lot. Each day I grow up and become more like him in both appearance and manner. My father is a thin man who always complains about the world. I find my father to be a somber person because of his low status in society. In realitly, he has no education. He does not have the ability nor the opportunities to fulfill his aspirations. I have a similar state of mind towards certain things. Fearfully, I don’t want to become like him.

What are my options? Should I claim for Insurance?

City not liable as the storm caused branch to fall. Get an estimate to see how much it would cost to repair damage and see if it exceeds your Comprehensive deductible (falling objects covered under Comprehensive).

Do you think that avram grant is doing all the work or is it henk ten cate running the show behind the scenes?

I've been saying all along, Chelsea is did not become a bad team overnight. Any half-decent manager will get the same results as Grant, perhaps even better. They just had to sort the powerplay between the boardroom and the backroom, and they were back in business, which is exactly the case right now.

Can you tell me about a lilie called CRINUM X POWELLI BAKER?

It has bulbs like a leek and its white,I have a whole bed of them ,some one has told me they are rare is this so?

Can someone help me with blue ram trouble?

Rams are frequently kept with discus as tank mates. I wasn't aware that it was so easy to differentiate es that breeders were keeping females back with rams

I'm looking for a good digital camera?

You gave us a lot of good information which is a lot more than other people do. However you didn't mention your favorite type of photography and that would help. You will find that the two big guns recommended on this site are Canon & Nikon, The "Rebel" models (there are 3) by Canon and since i don't care for Nikon, I can't tell you Nikon's comparable model. I am sure some will provide that info. When I buy a camera I go by how comfortable the camera is to hold and view thru. I don't like cluttered viewfinders. It's ok if you can turn these thing off so they won't show. I also don't like multiple focus squares. That's why I chose the Pentax Kx as my most recent camera purchase.


ya know the spongy part where it covers the part where the sound comes out? well can that be replaced?? cuz we have a dvd player in our car and wireless headphones.the spongy part ripped all off. we are seeing if we can replace it. PLZ ANSWER!!!!

What is wrong with my groin? Chronic hip/groin pain?

Maybe you need to lose weight? The extra weight that you have may have a toll on your joints. I think you have to talk to your doctor for more options to manage the pain. If indeed a hip replacement surgery should come up, be careful on choosing the device as a hip replacement recall was done on DePuy products because some are defective and dangerous.

Need Help With Homecoming Float Ideas! Theme Disney!?

We have to pick a float theme that is a disney movie and somehow tie it in to the football game... Our school's name is Linden and we are against Brandon! Our mascot is the eagle. In desperate need of help! Please help a freshman cl president in need!!!!!!

Where is Tomas Rosicky during this EURO 2008?

Tomas Rosicky is currently injured which he sustained during the FA Cup match against Newcastle United in January 2008 & he was not featured in the national team squad for the 2008 UEFA European Championship.

Howe far along am i?

My last peroid was March 1st. And i had this two day thing in the midle of March or towards the end. I tested last Sat. the 17th and it was positive before then it was negative.

What happened in Love Story by Anurag Basu's Last Episode?

Hye does anyone of you know how Love story ended?...I live in the U.S and they dont show the serial anymore....Did they complete the show in india?...n if they did, what happened in the end?...i really wanna know how love story ended n what happened in the end...i know dev killed bhatti..what happened after that?

Australia when it was a british penal colony?

Transportation to Australia was part of the judicial system of Great Britain, especially in the 19th Century. It was imposed as punishment for even comparatively minor crimes. Prisoners were held in penal settlements. After their sentences had expired, many chose to remain and begin new lives, often as farmers in the Outback, thus contributing to the economic development of Australia. A good book on the subject is 'The Fatal Shore' by Robert Hughes. Follow the link.


An Injunction will cost you about �1,200. It might be cheaper to see a solicitor and get him to write this person a letter threatening legal action if she persists with the threats.

What is the significaant comparison between the term Salah Al din and Ezekiel (Tzadaqil)?

Salah Al Din is Abrai and Tzadaqil is hebrew yet there both of Phonecian and Aramaic origin which cannot be disputed.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 Rate Team? [Time Version]?

For the Empoleon, I would get rid of either Hydro Cannon or Hydro Pump. Yes, they are very strong Water Moves, but you only need one and other than that, you are basically wasting space. Also, you need some physical attacks, all you have are special attacks. After you get rid of Hydro Cannon or Pump, replace it with Metal Claw or something physical, in case your Sp.Attack gets low. For, Raichu, teach it like Thunder or Discharge. Other than that, you're fine. For Gligar, get a Razor Claw to evolve it into a Giscor first of all. Then, try to replace Vacuum Cut with a Ground-Type attack. Then it'll be fine. For Regice, if you can replace one of the moves with Ice Beam, keep AncientPower though. Other than that, he's fine. Your team is generally okay except you have a slight weakness to ground types with Raichu and Empoleon. This is just my opinion, but I personally like to have a Golduck as a third team member. First of all, because the Cloud Nine ability prevents harmful weather from coming into effect. Second, because the Damp ability shuts off all explosions, including those from traps and the Aftermath ability. That will save you health AND items that might get caught in the blast. Overall, I'd rate your team a 4.2 out of 5. Hope this helps.

Why do girls get so angry at me?

Try playing the Gentleman. Ask a girl if you can take her out to dinner instead of asking when they are taking you out to dinner (that comes off as arrogant and pretentious and girls hate that most times). If you do get a date, pick her up, get the check, ask lots of questions (people love to talk about themselves). Don't try to act charming, cool, interesting. Just be real with them and with yourself. You'll get much further that way. All of this works for me. Hope it helps

My 5 year old cat is sick what do i do?

my cat cleo has been barfing for the past two days and when she eats she barfs rite after...she has been sleepy all very worried only 13 so i dont no whats to do... =(....AND I WILL NOT PUT HER DOWN!

Do you have that beat?

Ya, I was walking down town & came to the cornor & waited for the light signel sound to trll me to cross & just when it started, I steped off the curb. Then BAM, I'm struck bye a cyclist, it's hard to hear them comin, well he took me out into trafic & we were both hit with bye a sporty convertible & all ended up in the back seat of it. I broke a wrist, collar bone & spained the other wrist ankle, & covered my self with cuts & scs

Bioshock beginner?

ok i have gotten to where i have incinerate and shock.. but now i need to get telekinesis and i need to buy more some more slots at a gatherers garden i know i need to get adam to buy them but i need to know how to get more slots and or where to get adam because i cannot continue on with just 2 spots

The weather is still hot in Texas, one more month of heat then fall coolness. How is it where you are?

We have had HOT HOT HOT all summer, thank goodness we had a cool front come through. Last night it go down to 49 and todays high was about 78. Not bad, at least we are able to shut the air off and open the windows! It feels really nice. Next week we are going back into the high 80's and hopefully that will not last long. I live in Missouri so you just never know how the weather is going to be!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is it more difficult to make friends at uni than high school?

This french guy was telling me about how its quite difficult because you get more independent time than lecture time to actually get to know the person you're studying with....or somewhere along those lines....but isnt freshers week supposed to be for getting to know? I'm kinda nervous because its soo big and I'm gonna get lost. The library itself is 5 floor longs and it has full on lifts and what not shhh I hate my life

How do you encourage a husband to get a hobby, interest, something....anything?

you can't change a person and any attempt to try is futile. ultimately, the only way to change a person is when they have to face consequences. it's called a divorce. don't have children!

Eminem: Greatest rapper ever ?

Eminem is most likely the greatest rapper alive. His songs reflect who he is and where he came from and showing that Hip Hop is not all about black pride and drug dealing. He is the greatest rapper because his lyrics are impact full and his flow is amazing. His parody songs don't make him the greatest rapper alive, his skills do. Jay Z can never do parody songs cause he never did them before and that is just not part of his persona. Jay Z's persona is that he is a giant in rap who came out of the ghetto and was involved in drug dealing. Eminem's persona is that of a crazed lunatic who raps about murders and and things that he generally nixed by society. Tupac by the way was awful after he joined Death Row, he was the most stereotypical rapper ever, at least before that he was rapping about things that mattered.

Bye bye Birdie audition song and monologue?

I am trying out for my first play this Monday. I'm a girl in 8th grade, the play is bye bye birdie. I'm asian, does this prevent me from getting a lead role? I really love singing so do any of you know a good audition song and monologue?

Do we as humans have a right to question and judge God?

I'm talking about the Almighty God. The God of Israel to be more specific. The God of Moses, Jacob, Issac, Abraham, David and Solomon. That's the God I'm talking about.

Which girl is more attractive?

The dark hair girl is prettier. The blonde looks kind of chubby. The dark haired one has great facial features.

Will Ichiro stay or go?

Ichiro says that he may sign free agency for the first time in his life. Will he stay or go? If you think he will leave, what team? Yanks?

Have noticed you only 3 actors have ever played the Joker in live action and all are considered iconic?

I guess everybody wants to be a good guy, but it takes a 'special' kind of person to want to play the Joker.

Okay, last one.........?

So basically the fourth man's son dated the other three men's sons and they didn't even know it! The door got slammed in their face! I bet they were speechless! That was very good! Thanks for all of the jokes! I enjoyed all of them!

How did that taste Knicks fans?

You're such a bunch of trash! You're just a team on a hot streak in December thinking you're all that! Did you really think you can keep up with the Boston Celtics? You never could. This is a legendary organization with a great current team. You'll be lucky if you just crack .500 and actually make the playoffs for the first time in a decade. Amar'e is the December MVP until one of his eyes bug out again.

What are the candidates views on the economy..?

One main problem the economy is facing right now is outsourcing through other countries... Friedman's "the world is flat" explains that the us will have to shift the focus of the economy to allow workers to compete in a 21st century economy... how will each of the candidates shift the focus for the economy and what will they shift it to?

3rd Death Note movie- Are Mello and Near-kun in it?

Because Light-teme has been so dissapointing in the live action movies and only my L-niisan has been any good and I was really hoping to see my wonderful Near-kun in the 3rd movie! So if you know if they're in it, please let me know! Arigato!

What if the american people had the cojones that the egyptians have?

Would George W. Bush have been forced out before he took the country to shambles? Of course the age of Egypt makes America look like an embryo. So in many ways their culture is more cohesive that ours.

I want to buy my first car :)?

Try the clifieds, such as a newspaper or online car sales website. They have some good information plus many on the website include pictures so you get a rough idea.

I hit rock bottom, hate being gay?

I know what I am gonna get"just accept who you are" Well I am gonna need more than that to accept this. I am an 18 year old male and will be attending an art college in 2 months. I will accept that I have had feelings when I was 11 that was the earliest I could remember being attracted to the same . Hell I probably had been like that before 11, but moving on. Its always been about women for me. I was crazy about them. I had many crushes on girls despite me growing up as a fragile, small, nerdy and overall wimpy kid who wouldn't have a chance with girls period I still dreamed on of meeting the perfect girl and hopefully get married and have children of my own. I still do and sadly my straightness was consumed by gayness. Imagine a game of tetris. My straightness is the empty square space and the gayness is a clot of blocks coming down filling the square up, except instead of the blocks going away like you would to win the game. They fill up and I get a game over for the blocks reaching the top. That means this is the gayest I have ever been in my entire life. I have had this straight block for 7 months and I can't sense it going away anytime soon. I just don't want to accept being one of them . I don't mind uals. But me being gay is preposterous and ludicrous. How can I obtain what I lost. The male to female ratio at my college is 1-8 you here that 1-8 I am totally screwed. I have these women to pursue and I am cursed with this gay crap. I am aggravated and so stressed over this. I don't wanna marry no man. I don't care how long I have been attracted to men for no way. I can't raise my child with another dude.

Can someone telll me what this strange dream means?

I would answer your question but I feel trapped by the length of your question, which you would do better writing a story then asking for an interpretation. Shorten it up some and I'll give you a proper answer.

HELP:How do I handle these guys at school?

You ignore them as in like when they say stuff like i bet i can .... her and stuff you walk away and i know i can bother you inside but let them think what they want and tell your boyfriend that your not a part of this and guys want what they cant have.

Confusing Issues with 5 HTP?

I started taking 5 HTP (50 mg once or twice a day) for depression and anxiety about a month ago. I noticed very quickly (within a week) that my symptoms were greatly improving. I continued to take it for a while (about 3 or 4 weeks) with lots of improvement in my condition. However, about a week ago, the substance started causing the opposite effect. Each time I took it, I would get instant anxiety, so I have been off of it about a half a week (I still have anxiety but it's a bit less than when I was taking it in the last week or so). Has anyone experienced anything like this and/or have any idea why this might be happening?

How can you call Christianity compionate?

Christians, in the name of religion, led the Inquisitions, the witch burnings, the lynchings, and the suppression of scientific research in Europe until nearly the 20th century. How tolerant a religion is this?

Microsoft Works Word Processor?

I type on Microsoft Works Word processor and I was wondering how you get the grade marks on it like, 5.1, 3.2, on how well you've typed it. It also tells you how many pive sentences, your fluency, etc.

I am trying to save my PSD file "save as" HTML in photoshop, but the option is not available in the drop down?

it was there the last time I edited my psd. file....why is it not there now? anyone have any idea? I need the PSD file to be HTML so I can get it to work in dreamweaver.....thx!

Hi evewy-body why does my winky get reawy big when lots of girls are jumping on me?

It reawy gets big and sometimes i get reawy scared but i can't tell my mummy because she is a girl and girls cant look at boys winkys can somebody nice please help me

What are some good bands?

i want to up date my playlists.i love bands like every fueled by ramen band, nevershoutnever!, danger radio, beastie boys, ect. any other bands that i would like?

Hello i need help please explain othello quote ;-) see details...10x?

It means that once Othello finds out his wife is cheating on him (she wasn't, but he believed she was), the "food"--his ual love for her--will no longer appeal to him.

I just found out today that my child support case was closed on the father because the case worker to me he.?

The lesson here is: Read your mail in a timely manner so you can respond in a timely manner. Welcome to (part of) the legal system - they don't mess around and they've heard all the excuses (misplaced, not received, dog ate, house burned down). Oh well. You made this child with this loser (I can't imagine he was that much better when you were together) and now you have to live with it. Even if it wasn't like this - how did you plan to raise that child in case her father had died? Get educated, get a job, get a better job, get two jobs - do whatever it takes to raise that child because her birth father obviously isn't going to do it.

Do You Think This Is a Good Idea For When I Finish High School ?

Art Institutes are not granting actual degrees. You'd have to go earn a bachelors degree in physics from a real college before you can apply for a graduate program in astronomy. The art job is just wasting your time, since the PhD in astronomy will take 8-12 years and then you'll need another 2-6 in postdocs before getting a real job (or leaving the field, because there are more people who want to work in the field than there are jobs for them).

Why are Americans happy to be the outcasts of the world?

tennis , cricket are boring , soccer is becoming popular .. and the rest of the world doesn't hate us they are Just jealous that we have a thing called freedom.. and they don't

Monday, August 8, 2011

How do you end stalker-ish, obssessive, repettive, longterm feelings over a very hard catch?

yes i have. The technical term is obsession or infatuation. You'll eventually get over it. Maybe go to therapy, sounds like you have other underlying issues. Is your dad around?

I don't want to have a baby?

I've been with my girlfriend for 5 years now and she wants to have a baby and she has been considering all different options including IVF and self insemination. I do not want to have one and i do NOT want to have to give birth, but i've said yes to it. I feel obligated to do it because she has taken care of me for so long. When i told my mum she said i was being selfish and i should just do it since i love her anyway, a child would just make the relationship stronger. Is it apprehension of being a first time parent, the complicated procedure, pregnancy and child birth, or am i being selfish?

When uploading a video on Youtube that should have HQ like my others, does it take a while for it to pop up?

yeah you do, i make flight sim videos on youtube in HD and you do have to wait a while, takes around 1hour too come through HD for me and HQ should take bout 30 mins MAX

Guy help question....................?!…

If a guy really likes you he will not mind if you want to wear make-up or want to show off or dress a certain way for you. If you find the perfect guy he will do anything you ask him to do no matter what. If the guy really cares about you even if it bothers him he would not say anything to hurt your feelings or he is not the perfect boyfriend.

Where is this email going that I cannot access,even though it pops up that I have it?

Im trying to cancel a CTA Chgo Plus card so I went to my account on their website. I forgot my pword, so went thru the necessary steps to get it. The message generates that "your pword has been sent to my yahoo email address. I then see the "pop up" message from transitchicago which states I have an email from them, but when I go into my mailbox, it's not there, it isn't in the trash folder or spam folder. Can somebody tell me where it could be or why I can't access or open this particular email? Thanks much!!

If your sister has always been a good mom but is dating a crackhead who stole from her, pawned her stuff, &?

If your sister has always been a good mom but is dating a crackhead who stole from her, pawned her stuff, & got her evicted would you help dad get custody of 8 & 9 year girls??? Sister is still staying with crackhead after all the stealing.

On GH are you rooting for Ethan and Kristina?

No way. Next to Ethan, K looks like a 12 year old girl. They won't make a good couple, it will be like Micheal and Candy part 2. Plus, after what she's done to him he deserves far better. Even if she didn't make his life a living hell, she still isn't good enough.

How to use kitchen cabinets for an office?

Kitchen cabinets are too high to use for a desk. They are 42 inches and you want 36 to sit comfortable. As to the top, get a formica covered wood top. Attach with screws from the underside through the cabinet framing. Get one without the wall back splash


Looked up Means fuel trim malfunction bank 1. I have just about replaced everything there is except inside engine components,over the course of the years,i have done regular tune ups,changed oil,replace o2 sensors, plugs,and checked all vac leaks contiuously . it is running lean aparently. Is this a bad matter or can it be over looked and if so what is the worse that could happen,runs fine,except once n a while it wants to hesitate when first start up and push the accleratro to get out of my drive way,after that is fine,I have replaced m air flow sensor as well.

How do we fight the flavor cigarette ban?

is there something we can do to fight the cigarette ban? are there petitions or online groups of what? I'm really pissed off about it. rarely smoke, so i just found out when i went to buy some and wah-lah, they took away one of my freedoms. i'm enraged. what actions can i take?

Is the omni mont royal hotel looking for workers?

I reckon you received an email from so called omni hotel lol for your information, don't take it serious cause it's just a scam don't give 'em any personal information such as your name and address etc

Is this a good workout to tone my body?

Your workout generally look pretty good because the key to toning is high reps and low weight or resistance and you have that down. If you're looking for more developed better looking abs then add some more exercises to your workout. Just doing crunches or sit ups isn't as effective as doing 5 or 6 other ab exercises such as oblique v-ups, mason twist, heal raises ect. Doing a wide range of ab exercises will target your entire core thus providing for better results. Other than that you're workout looks great except try and build upon it by adding more exercises to mix up your workout that's more effective as well.

What do I do whe my ipod screen goes wite?

I had just been syncing my ipod and left the room to eat and upon my return found that my ipod was inaccessible. I could not shut it off or do anything with it. If you know what to do please give me a hand.

Does grade 10 count in school?

Hey. I want to go to UBC(university of Bristish Columbia) after I graduate. My average grade is 5As and 3Bs. Is that good enough or do I need to start working harder in grade 11 and 12?

What do you think is happening here?

My boyfriend and I had been seeing each other for 7 months off and on. We got along great the first 4 months. Then we started to fight. He has rages, it's always been this way. He will just pack up and leave to go to his moms. This time he left, he moved back in with his mom. He was still coming around the first few weeks. The last time I spoke to him, he asked if he could take my oldest son to the park. He brought him back and said he would be back the next day. A few days later I get told he is walking down town with another girl. Which was identified as his ex. Then I got a phone call from someone saying they were back together. Then I turn my facebook on and see a message from this girl she send him just a random heart. So I flipped and wrote him this....ook Jack... I got a message about Sarah, stating that you two were dating behind my back, for quite sometime... it was on my answering machine 3 nights ago, plus I seen you two together so kinda obvious.. I understand we are done and you have to come get your things. I find it ignorant that you are not even replying, or making any attempts to retrieve items that you left laying all over my house, I dont see why you can not store it at her house. You are not stringing me along anymore. FORGET IT! We will never get back leaving things here is really pissing me off. Just give me a date, and I will personally leave so we do not see each other. You don't need to have anything to do with the child, just dont walk in and out so suddenly with this one as you did my son. It has left him very confused, and hurt. Oh and i am not the crazy baby momma. I am just trying to get you out of my life, so you can focus on a family with her,and her two children (as the caller had said). Thank you. HE up and deletes me of of facebook instead of telling me anything else. SO then I called him, he lashes out on me, denies it, and hangs up on me. I called back and his mom answered she said he was really upset right then, and wouldn't talk. I notice then that night he deleted and blocked me from MSN messenger. He still has stuff here, and he had told me he would be here in a few days to get it, I told him he did not have a few days, he then demanded that I should sell it, keep it, throw it out. Do you think he will get over this? And why was he so defensive? You could hear his mom is in the background telling him to stop yelling, and he was calling me crazy and stupid. DO you think he was cheating?

Are scotland a dominating factor in sport?

S-M, you're going to talk Scotland into being the greatest sporting nation ever at this rate! Forget Murray, tennis is ok but caber throwing, shot putting, haggis chasing and eating followed swiftly by the imbation of Scotland's finest water is the best kind of sport and all done by those gorgeous men from the Scots Porridge Oats advert - what more could anyone want to watch? Why don't we see the Highland Games on TV anymore?

Fiance troubles?

Is there really no way you can get a job? I think being financially dependent on a boyfriend at 19 is really worrying, and quite dangerous, after all you are not a 'housewife' you are an unemployed girlfriend living in HIS house on HIS income.

How do you know that Allah is the only God and in fact even a God?

Yes you are right that The Qur'an says that Allah is existence there is no god except Allah. We muslims know and believe in the existence of Allah because we have strong eeman and taqwa and we covince its existence through seeing and watching Allah's creations this universe and all of its contents Muhammad pbuh and his parents were not the members of the cult of ancient sumerian people.Muhammad pbuh and his ancestors were descendants of Ibrahim prophet from his son Ismael prophet who believed in tawheed religion just to one God that is Allah..(monotheism)

Please I need some help? ?

I am a Muslim girl of 21 years of age from Pakistan, I love an Hindu Indian guy, I want to marry him, he is 22, can I take the citizenship of India before marriage, how much will it cost, and how much time will it take, I have to do this without my families consent because if they will find out I'll be dead. Please some body help me, I have my pport, what other doents will I need and how much time will it take? Please understand my situation and guide me somebody, I am from Karachi, help me.