Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Can you find any details in Pride and Prejudice that Elizabeth Bennet does not act like a lady in 18th century?

P&P takes place in the 19th century. With the fact that Elizabeth refused Mr. Collins comes more than just the fact that she refused him--what she does is refuse to take that long walk down the aisle with any old guy who asks her, even if it means endangering her own future livelihood. Turning down Mr. Collins may seem like a no-brainer, but by rejecting him Elizabeth places her own judgment over social pressures to conform, and that was no easier to do in Austen’s time than it is today. Her aggressive opinions and outspokenness makes her a bit of a stand-out for the 19th century. Check out the link below to read up some more info on her, and to see all the conventions Austen is messing with.

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