Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I hit rock bottom, hate being gay?

I know what I am gonna get"just accept who you are" Well I am gonna need more than that to accept this. I am an 18 year old male and will be attending an art college in 2 months. I will accept that I have had feelings when I was 11 that was the earliest I could remember being attracted to the same . Hell I probably had been like that before 11, but moving on. Its always been about women for me. I was crazy about them. I had many crushes on girls despite me growing up as a fragile, small, nerdy and overall wimpy kid who wouldn't have a chance with girls period I still dreamed on of meeting the perfect girl and hopefully get married and have children of my own. I still do and sadly my straightness was consumed by gayness. Imagine a game of tetris. My straightness is the empty square space and the gayness is a clot of blocks coming down filling the square up, except instead of the blocks going away like you would to win the game. They fill up and I get a game over for the blocks reaching the top. That means this is the gayest I have ever been in my entire life. I have had this straight block for 7 months and I can't sense it going away anytime soon. I just don't want to accept being one of them . I don't mind uals. But me being gay is preposterous and ludicrous. How can I obtain what I lost. The male to female ratio at my college is 1-8 you here that 1-8 I am totally screwed. I have these women to pursue and I am cursed with this gay crap. I am aggravated and so stressed over this. I don't wanna marry no man. I don't care how long I have been attracted to men for no way. I can't raise my child with another dude.

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