Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 Rate Team? [Time Version]?

For the Empoleon, I would get rid of either Hydro Cannon or Hydro Pump. Yes, they are very strong Water Moves, but you only need one and other than that, you are basically wasting space. Also, you need some physical attacks, all you have are special attacks. After you get rid of Hydro Cannon or Pump, replace it with Metal Claw or something physical, in case your Sp.Attack gets low. For, Raichu, teach it like Thunder or Discharge. Other than that, you're fine. For Gligar, get a Razor Claw to evolve it into a Giscor first of all. Then, try to replace Vacuum Cut with a Ground-Type attack. Then it'll be fine. For Regice, if you can replace one of the moves with Ice Beam, keep AncientPower though. Other than that, he's fine. Your team is generally okay except you have a slight weakness to ground types with Raichu and Empoleon. This is just my opinion, but I personally like to have a Golduck as a third team member. First of all, because the Cloud Nine ability prevents harmful weather from coming into effect. Second, because the Damp ability shuts off all explosions, including those from traps and the Aftermath ability. That will save you health AND items that might get caught in the blast. Overall, I'd rate your team a 4.2 out of 5. Hope this helps.

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